Part 5


Publications for and which relate to the interests and needs of people with various impairments


Section 1: Publications produced especially for the blind and vision impaired. This section contains citations mostly for items that are in large print or Braille formats and audio materials made expressly by agencies who produce materials for the blind and vision-impaired. Other, unusual formats are included, too; for example, tactile material in Moon Type. Many citations have been derived from Library of Congress catalogue records, and of course this part of the bibliography should not be construed to be comprehensive because there are likely to be many products for this audience that are not in accessible catalogs.

Section 2: Conventional publications that relate to the experiences of the blind and vision-impaired. Unlike the publications cited in Section 1, these works are not in special formats for the blind or visually impaired, but are conventionally printed books and serials. Topically, they concern the experiences of blind and visually impaired people, and information of interest to them. Various citations may be repeated here from other parts of this bibliography.

Section 3: Publications that relate to people with hearing impairments. The publications cited here concern the experiences of the deaf and hearing impaired within the region covered by this bibliography. They are relegated to their own appendix also to bring attention to readers the perspectives and needs of these people, who might otherwise be overlooked among other people with impairments. The citations are repeated here from other parts of this bibliography.

Section 4: Publications that relate to people with mobility or activity impairments. citations in this appendix identify those publications that relate the Grand Canyon or Colorado River experiences of people with mobility or activity limitations, and publications that pertain to area travel information specifically for these people. By considering mobility or activity limitations as either physical or cognitive in nature as the result of congenital condition, chronic or accute disease, accident, or age-related condition, the definition embraces a wide spectrum of people. The citations are repeated here from other parts of this bibliography. Not included here are publications that pertain to people who may experience socially related difficulties; for example, at-risk youth or people with mental health concerns or social distresses like physical or sexual abuse and personal emotional troubles. Publications pertaining to any of these issues as they may be addressed within the region covered by this bibliography will be found in Part 14, which includes the subject area of sociology, and Part 15, which addresses various aspects of physical and mental health. However, publications pertaining to certain programs that can address either or both physical and emotional concerns—such as the Wounded Warrior programs that conduct therapeutic trips on the Colorado River for military veterans who are physically wounded or suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or other emotional conflicts—are consolidated in this appendix, repeated from scattered citations in other parts of this bibliography.