Part 13
Publications about executive, legislative, and judicial actions, management issues, and concomitant concerns that pertain to federal, state, and Native American lands in the Grand Canyon and lower Colorado River regions. Occasional additional items regarding topics of administrative interest in the States of California, Nevada and Utah as they directly relate to the region covered here, are likewise included here, as is matter relating to the formulation and management of World Heritage Sites and other such places of international interest.
OVERVIEW. This part comprises items broadly relating to administrative or operational issues and reports of activities for Grand Canyon National Park (including management concerns along the Colorado River), its predecessor administrative units, and for other federal, state, and Native American lands and facilities. These areas include the Grand Canyon–Parashant National Monument, Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni—Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon
National Monument, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, that part of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area between Glen Canyon Dam and Lees Ferry, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Gold Butte National Monument, and lands and facilities administered by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, and U.S. Forest Service. More than documents about bureaucratic procedures and regulations are listed. Added here are items about public commentary on, and responses to, proposed and implemented studies and management decisions, including those of activists; and published opinions and commentary about the protection, operation, and public use of the lands. Other management issues, for example those that relate to the operation of the Navajo Generating Station near Page, Arizona, are included here. Items that relate to natural quiet in Grand Canyon are included in this part if they pertain specifically to management issues; items that pertain to the scientific study of ambient noise and the natural soundscape of Grand Canyon are consolidated with Part 18 (PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT) of this bibliography.
Documents that are Environmental Impact Statements, and similar administrative and guidance documents, are mostly included in this part (Part 13) because they often embrace multiple areas of administrative oversight and are not solely focused on ecological concerns as might be inferred from the title; grouping all such management documents together in this bibliography is more sensible. Exceptions are those documents that are specifically or predominantly biological or ecological in perspective, which are included in Part 19 (BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY, for those items that pertain to the greater Grand Canyon region) or in Part 11, Section 1 (for those items that pertain to the environment of lower Colorado River region locales), or items that relate to Native American cultural issues specifically, which are in Part 17 (NATIVE AMERICANS OF THE GRAND CANYON REGION) or in Part 11, Section 3 (lower Colorado River region locales). Items regarding administrative issues that pertain to non-federal areas adjacent to these federal areas are listed here. Also included in this part are some items that pertain to cession of territories and boundary issues in the Grand Canyon–lower Colorado River region. Selected items pertaining to the administration of Glen Canyon Dam, and position statements by individuals or organizations, as inferentially affecting the region downstream from it, also are included here. Items about personnel matters in the areas of concern here are listed in this part. Matter relating to the formulation and management of World Heritage Sites and such places of international interest are included here, such as those under UNESCO and IUCN.
As a pragmatic matter of bibliography all items relating to water-management in the lower Colorado River, including legislative and judicial actions regarding dams and other water-management infrastructure, and international treaties and agreements pertaining to these subjects (that might otherwise be relegated to Part 13 of this bibliography), are consolidated in Part 12, Section 1 (WATER SUPPLY, MANAGEMENT, AND POLICY).
Bibliography of Administrative and Management Issues in the Greater Grand Canyon Region. Third Edition (2025).
I. Grand Canyon National Park (excluding Colorado River)
II. Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park
III. Lake Mead National Recreation Area
IV. Kaibab National Forest (North Kaibab and Tusayan Ranger Districts)
V. Other Administrative and Private Areas Within the Region
1 Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (Lees Ferry area only)
2 Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni—Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon
National Monument
3 Vermilion Cliffs National Monument
4 Grand Canyon–Parashant National Monument and Arizona Strip Areas
5 Pipe Spring National Monument
6 Gold Butte National Monument
7 State and Municipal Areas and Private Inholdings (Grand Canyon area)
VI. Issues Relating to the Boundaries of Federal, State, and Native American Lands