Part 20


Glen Canyon Environmental Studies program technical reports and related documents produced under the monitoring and research programs of the Glen Canyon Dam Environmental Impact Statement as mandated by Congress

[This part of the bibliography is complete and is no longer updated, the GCES program having ended. Continued research is under the auspices of the U.S. Geological Survey, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center.]

OVERVIEW. The Glen Canyon Environmental Studies (GCES) program, based in Flagstaff, Arizona, was created to perform as an interagency body under the direction of the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. It responded to a Congressional mandate to develop an Environmental Impact Statement on the effects of hydropower production at Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River and its riparian community downstream through lower Glen Canyon, Marble Canyon, and the Grand Canyon. The EIS also examined the potential impacts of management decisions on social and economic issues. The GCES went through two phases—1982–1988 and 1990–1996. Research functions were thereafter continued by the U.S. Geological Survey, Grand Canyon Environmental Research Center in Flagstaff, Arizona.

GCES was such an important part of the scientific and cultural study of the Grand Canyon, specifically in the previously little-studied Colorado River corridor, that the products of these studies are a bibliography in their own right. Many of the documents are interdisciplinary, thus also a justification for listing them separately, rather than in several places throughout this bibliography. Historians of science will also notice in this list that some of the subjects were reported in other scientific publications. A few of the reports were also released in their entirety as U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Reports or publications of the National Academy Press; these are itemized here. Most of the reports listed here, and voluminous supporting data, may be accessible at the Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center, Flagstaff, Arizona (