This tab of the website provides access to the bibliography in each of its 32 subject-specific parts.
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The Basic Table of Contents below is only an informational list; no links are here
Each part is under the series of dropdowns under the "BIBLIOGRAPHY (INDIVIDUAL PARTS)" tab
Part 1. Bibliographies, Indices, and Comparable Publications
Part 2. General Publications — Historical, Geographical, Social, Cultural, Biographical, Popular, and Commonplace Works Concerning the Grand Canyon and Lower Colorado River Regions
Part 3. The New York Times
Section 1. Complete Chronological List Keyed to Parts of This Bibliography
Section 2. List of Articles That Have Author By-Lines (Keyed to Parts of This Bibliography)
Part 4. Memorials
Section 1. Memorials Listed by Names of Authors
Section 2. Memorials Listed by Names of Decedents
Part 5. Publications for People with Disabilities
Section 1. Publications Produced Especially for the Blind and Vision-Impaired
Section 2. Conventional Publications That Relate to the Experiences of or Information of Interest to the Blind and Vision-Impaired
Section 3. Publications That Relate to People with Hearing Impairments
Section 4. Publications That Relate to People with Mobility or Activity Limitations, and Special-Needs Resources
Part 6. Publications For and By Youth and Young Adults
Section 1. Non-Fiction
Section 2. Fiction
Part 7. Fiction
Part 8. Verse
Part 9. Travel and Trail Guides
Part 10. Colorado River Guides
Part 11. Environment, Natural History, and Special Scientific, Technical, or Cultural Issues of the Lower Colorado River Region
Section 1. Environment, Ecology, Biology, and Public Health and Safety
Section 2. Geology, Paleontology, Hydrology, and Related Disciplines
Section 2A. Separately Published Geologic and Special Maps
Section 3. Archaeology, Indigenous Cultures and Issues, and Contemporary Cultural Resources and Preservation
Section 3A. General Guide to Documentation for Places in the Lower Colorado River Region Listed in the NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES and in the NATIONAL HISTORIC LANDMARK SYSTEM Administered By the U.S. National Park Service
Part 12. Water Supply, Management, and Policy
Section 1. Water Supply and Issues of Management and Policy Relating to the Lower Colorado River, and Associated Infrastructural Projects — with Expanded Coverage to Accommodate Basin-Wide Issues and Unrealized Projects in Lower Glen, Marble, and Grand Canyons
Section 2. Ancillary Coverage: Infrastructural Projects Along the Colorado River Between Lower Glen Canyon and Mexico That Are Not Related to Water Management Facilities
Part 13. Administrative and Management Issues in the Grand Canyon and Lower Colorado River Regions
Part 14. Sociology, Recreation, Education, Economics, and Related Subjects in the Grand Canyon–Lake Mead Region
Part 15. Health and Safety in the Grand Canyon–Lake Mead Region
Part 16. Archaeology and Cultural Resources in the Grand Canyon Region
Appendix to Part 16. General Guide to Documentation for Places in the Greater Grand Canyon Region Listed in the NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES and in the NATIONAL HISTORIC LANDMARK SYSTEM Administered By the U.S. National Park Service
Part 17. Native Americans in the Grand Canyon Region
Appendix to Part 17. The Weekly Supai News and The Supai News (1957-1959)
Part 18. Physical Environment of the Grand Canyon and the Southwest Region
Part 19. Biology and Ecology of the Grand Canyon Region
Part 20. GCES—Glen Canyon Environmental Studies Program
Part 21. Geology and Paleontontology of the Grand Canyon Region
Part 22. Hydraulics and Hydrogeology of the Colorado River in Lower Glen, Marble, and Grand Canyons
Part 23. Geological Field Guides in the Grand Canyon Region
Part 24. Geologic and Special Topographic Maps in the Grand Canyon Region
Part 25. Cartobibliography. [This is now THE GRAND CANON Volume 2. General contents are listed here.] In the bibliography, Part 25 now contains a general introduction to the Cartobibliography.
Section 1. Maps of the 16th–18th Centuries
Section 2. Maps of the 19th–21st Centuries
Section 3. Chronological List of All Maps in Sections 1 & 2
Section 4. Guides to Quadrangles Used For Topographic, Geologic, and Other Reference Maps of the United States and Mexico
Section 4A. Guides to Quadrangles Used For Topographic and Geologic Maps in the Greater Grand Canyon Region Produced by the U.S. Geological Survey
Section 4B. Guides to Quadrangles Used for Topographic and Geologic Maps of the Lower Colorado River Region Produced by the U.S. Geological Survey and Mexico's Instituto nacional Estadística y Geografía and as Also Used By the Servicio Geológico Mexicano
Section 4C. Indexes to Quadrangles Used For U.S. Census Governmental Unit Reference Maps
Section 4D. Indexes to Quadrangles Used For Maps of Interagency Wildland Fire Dispatch Zones
Part 26. Audio-Visual Works and Photographic Publications on the Grand Canyon and Lower Colorado River Regions
Appendix 1. General Guide to Commercially Produced 3-D Transparency Products
Appendix 2. General Guide to Commercially and Governmentally Produced Stereographs
Part 27. Audio Works and Musical Scores on the Grand Canyon and Lower Colorado River Regions
Part 28. Separate Imagery in the Grand Canyon and Lower Colorado River Regions
Part 29. Computer and Interactive Media on the rand Canyon and Lower Colorado River Regions
Part 30. Book Reviews and Similar Notices Regarding Publications About the Grand Canyon and Lower Colorado River Regions
Part 31. Newspaper Guide For the Grand Canyon and Lower Colorado River Regions
Part 32. Marginalia Relating to the Grand Canyon and Lower Colorado River Regions
Appendix I: The Leipzig Imprints of Balduin Möllhausen’s Reisen in die Felsengebirge Nord-Amerikas bis zum Hoch-Plateau von Neu-Mexico (1860, 1861)
Appendix II: Variants of Ellsworth L. Kolb’s Through the Grand Canyon from Wyoming to Mexico (1914–2018). Richard D. Quartaroli, compiler.
Appendix III: Variants of N. H. Darton’s Story of the Grand Canyon (1917–1987)
Appendix IV: Variants of Edwin D. McKee’s Ancient Landscapes of the Grand Canyon Region (1931–2020)
Users who wish to download THE GRAND CANON Volume 1/Part B (Bibliography) (5th Edition) as a single PDF, click on this button:
Complementary Part A: Introduction, Statistics, Surveys and Commentaries