Part 21
Earth sciences of the Grand Canyon region, including extralimital studies of the continuity of Grand Canyon strata, regional structure and tectonics, regional groundwater hydrology, and the geological evolution of the Colorado River
OVERVIEW. This part includes works about the geology and paleontology of the Grand Canyon (including hydrogeology of tributaries to the Colorado River, but excluding the hydrogeologic regime of the Colorado River), studies of Grand Canyon rock units and their stratigraphic continuity beyond the canyon-proper, studies of the structure and tectonics of southwestern North America where also embracing the Grand Canyon region, investigations of the evolution of the Grand Canyon and the Colorado River (including studies extralimital to the scope this bibliography), studies of Mesozoic strata in the immediate Grand Canyon area, modern-groundwater studies of the region, and general reports on topographic and geologic mapping in the region. Some works relating to the geological aspects of physical geography are also included here, as are also items that relate to the Grand Canyon (or Grand Canyonlike) computerized terrain models. Documents pertaining to the experiences of geological field work in this region are included in this part.
Bibliography of Paleontology of the Grand Canyon Region, and in the Stratigraphic Continuity of Grand Canyon Formations.
Groundwaters of the Grand Canyon Region, Arizona.
A Research Bibliography of Groundwater Hydrology and the Record of Environmental Issues, Legislative Oversight, and Native American Cultural Concerns of Groundwater Use: with annotations. Plus A Biblography of Grand Canyon Springs Ecology: 1880–2024